Please read the post I put in my thread call "So You What to Buy a Kz Trailer" in the "Want to Buy A Kz Trailer folder"
Read more: kzfamilyforum.com/thread/1681/buy-kz-trailer#ixzz4vmL8B6xPA number of us has switched from other brands of well known MFG's to Kz, some of use have toured the factory
this past summer an seen how they are built... Is there problems, I would be lying if I said no, all of us have
had minor problems here an there. You figure as one person stated
"its like a earthquake on wheels going down
the road at 60 or 65mph", so things shake loose from time to time ... At the Rally we saw the 2500 line, from
start to finish there was only less than I believe ten 5th wheels in the building being built ... They didn't
hide anything from us an explained what was happening with each one an lets us look them over top to bottom...
At the Kz Rally which I hope you can come to this next summer we met with Kz reps from most of the Kz lines
an talked to them one on one. Each line rep had a pencil an notebook an would write down anything good or
bad of each unit on display in the building when we walked thought those units... We were told to not hold
back, if we didn't like something tell them, they were listening to what we had to say because they wanted
to make a better product for the customer ... Now some of it may have been fluff, but a few of us at the rally
have seen fluff an there was very little, they truly believe in their product an went to great lengths to
prove to us they did ...
As I stated in some other posts we bought our trailer at a RV show after it had been walked thought for
two days...Like some many other brands we walked thought we did not see trim falling down, doors that were
ajar, lights not working an sloppy workmanship... We saw a solid trailer that was bright, had little bing (glitter)
but had everything in the right place to be very useful... If you are looking for glitter, bing, eye candy
you might as well look else where, if you looking for functionality with a solid built trailer then buy a Kz
Saying all of the above, there are people who will disagree with what I have stated, some are from other brands
here to snip an others are here to see if they can get your goat LOL, but the honest Kz owners will tell you
that even with some minor problems like everything else they love their units no matter if it's a TT or a 5th
wheel from Kz.
Safe travels an hope to see you down the road with your new kz product or at the Kz National Rally Next summer
Chuck & Hildi